Le Grand Rex tower, Map of Metropolis of Lyon (the city of Lyon red) Chapelle de la Trinité (1622) first Baroque chapel built Lyon part of former École de la Trinité now Collège-lycée Ampère. Marseille second-largest city of France main city of historical province of Provence today capital of department of Bouches-du-Rhône region of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur located France's south coast covering area of 241 km2 (93 sq mi) had population of 852,516 2012 Its metropolitan area which covers 3,173 km2 (1,225 sq mi) third-largest France after Paris Lyon with population of 1,831,500 of 2010Known ancient Greeks Romans Massalia (Greek Μασσαλία Massalía), Marseille was important European trading centre remains main commercial port of French Republic Marseille now France's largest city Mediterranean coast largest port commerce freight cruise ships city was European Capital of Culture 2013 European Capital of Sport 2017 hosted matches 1998 World Cup Euro 2016 home Aix-Marseille UniversityGeography. African Museum of Lyon OccitanieProvence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur With 6 millions tourists year castles of Loire Valley (French châteaux) Loire Valley itself third leading tourist destination France this World Heritage Site noteworthy its architectural heritage its historic towns but particular its castles such Châteaux d'Amboise de Chambord d'Ussé de Villandry Chenonceau Montsoreau Château de Chantilly Versailles Vaux-le-Vicomte all three located near Paris also visitor attractionsUNESCO World Heritage Sites protected areas. French census data does not contain information about religious affiliation According 2011 survey IFOP French public opinion research organisation 61 percent of residents of Paris Region (Île-de-France) identified themselves Roman Catholic though just 15 percent said they were practising Catholics while 46 percent were non-practicing same survey 7 percent of residents identified themselves Muslims 4 percent Protestants 2 percent Jewish 25 percent without religionAccording INSEE French government statistical office between 4 5 million French residents were born or had least one parent born predominantly Muslim country particularly Algeria Morocco Tunisia IFOP survey 2008 reported that of immigrants from these predominantly Muslim countries 25 percent went mosque regularly 41 percent practised religion 34 percent were believers but did not practice religion2012 2013 was estimated that there were almost 500,000 Muslims City of Paris 1.5 million Muslims Île-de-France region 4 5 million Muslims FranceThe Jewish population of Paris Region was estimated 2014 be 282,000 largest concentration of Jews world outside of Israel United StatesEconomy, Jewish (52,000) The many Renaissance hôtels particuliers of Old Lyon quarter such Hôtel de Bullioud were also built Philibert Delorme17th 18th centuries. Main article Economy of France, See also List of railway stations Paris; Main articles Demographics of France French people, Hôtel-Dieu de Lyon houses Musée des Hospices Civils permanent exhibit tracing history practice of medicine from Middle Ages modern times, Musée des Automates museum of automated puppets Vieux Lyon open since 1991Parks gardens.
The Hôtel-Dieu de Paris oldest hospital city, Le Figaro was founded 1826 many of France's most prominent authors have written its columns over decades still considered newspaper of recordBest-selling daily national newspapers France Le Parisien Aujourd'hui en France (with 460,000 sold daily) Le Monde Le Figaro with around 300,000 copies sold daily but also L'Équipe dedicated sports coverage past years free dailies made breakthrough with Metro 20 Minutes Direct Plus distributed more than 650,000 copies respectively However widest circulations reached regional daily Ouest France with more than 750,000 copies sold 50 other regional papers have also high salessector of weekly magazines stronger diversified with more than 400 specialised weekly magazines published countryThe most influential news magazines left-wing Le Nouvel Observateur centrist L'Express right-wing Le Point (more than 400.000 copies), but highest circulation weeklies reached TV magazines women's magazines among them Marie Claire ELLE which have foreign versions Influential weeklies also include investigative satirical papers Le Canard Enchaîné Charlie Hebdo well Paris Match Like most industrialised nations print media have been affected severe crisis past decade 2008 government launched major initiative help sector reform become financially independent, but 2009 had give 600,000 euros help print media cope with economic crisis addition existing subsidiesIn 1974 after years of centralised monopoly radio television governmental agency ORTF was split into several national institutions but three already-existing TV channels four national radio stations remained under state-control was only 1981 that government allowed free broadcasting territory ending state monopoly radio French television was partly liberalised next two decade with creation of several commercial channels mainly thanks cable satellite television 2005 national service Télévision Numérique Terrestre introduced digital television all over territory allowing creation of other channelsThe four existing national channels now owned state-owned consortium France Télévisions while public broadcasting group Radio France run five national radio stations Among these public media Radio France Internationale which broadcasts programmes French all over world Franco-German TV channel TV5 Monde 2006 government created global news channel France 24 Long-established TV channels TF1 (privatised 1987) France 2 France 3 have highest shares while radio stations RTL Europe 1 state-owned France Inter least listened toSociety. The Romans conquered Paris Basin 52 BC began their settlement Paris's Left BankRoman town was originally called Lutetia (more fully Lutetia Parisiorum Lutetia of Parisii) became prosperous city with forum baths temples theatres amphitheatreBy end of Western Roman Empire town was known Parisius Latin name that would later become Paris French Christianity was introduced middle of 3rd century AD Saint Denis first Bishop of Paris according legend when he refused renounce his faith before Roman occupiers he was beheaded hill which became known Mons Martyrum (Latin Hill of Martyrs) later Montmartre from where he walked headless north of city place where he fell was buried became important religious shrine Basilica of Saint-Denis many French kings buried thereClovis Frank first king of Merovingian dynasty made city his capital from 508 Frankish domination of Gaul began there was gradual immigration Franks Paris Parisian Francien dialects were born Fortification of Île-de-la-Citie failed avert sacking Vikings 845 but Paris's strategic importance—with its bridges preventing ships from passing—was established successful defence Siege of Paris (885–86) 987 Hugh Capet Count of Paris (comte de Paris) Duke of Franks (duc des Francs) was elected King of Franks (roi des Francs) Under rule of Capetian kings Paris gradually became largest most prosperous city FranceMiddle Ages Louis XIV. France highly urbanized country with its largest cities (in terms of metropolitan area population 2013) being Paris (12,405,426 inh.) Lyon (2,237,676) Marseille (1,734,277) Toulouse (1,291,517) Bordeaux (1,178,335) Lille (1,175,828) Nice (1,004,826) Nantes (908,815) Strasbourg (773,447) Rennes (700,675) (Note There significant differences between metropolitan population figures just cited those following table which only include core population) Rural flight was perennial political issue throughout most of 20th centuryFunctional urban areas. Musée des Automates museum of automated puppets Vieux Lyon open since 1991Parks gardens, Protestant (20,000) Bellecour Ecoles D'ArtsPrimary secondary schools, Roman Catholic (400,000) EPITA. Théâtre des Célestins (1877) designed Gaspard André. Amphitheatre of Three Gauls Roman ruins of amphitheatreMiddle Ages Renaissance The lake Parc de la Tête d'or, The Louvre was most visited art museum world 2017 with 8.1 million visitors Its treasures include Mona Lisa (La Joconde) Venus de Milo statue Liberty Leading People many other notable works second-most visited museum city with 3.3 million visitors was Centre Georges Pompidou also known Beaubourg which houses Musée National d'Art Moderne third most visited Paris museum building constructed Universal Exhibition of 1900 Orsay railway station was Musée d'Orsay which had 3.2 million visitors 2017 Orsay displays French art of 19th century including major collections of Impressionists Post-Impressionists Musée de l'Orangerie near both Louvre Orsay also exhibits Impressionists Post-Impressionists including most of Claude Monet's large Water Lilies murals Musée national du Moyen Âge or Cluny Museum presents Medieval art including famous tapestry cycle of Lady Unicorn Guimet Museum or Musée national des arts asiatiques has one of largest collections of Asian art Europe There also notable museums devoted individual artists including Picasso Museum Rodin Museum Musée national Eugène DelacroixMusée du quai Branly; Hauts-de- Most of low-lying areas of metropolitan France located oceanic climate zone Cfb Cfc Köppen classification Corsica small part of territory bordering mediterranean basin lies Csa Csb zones French metropolitan territory relatively large climate not uniform giving rise following climate nuances.
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