IAE (Institut d'Administration des Entreprises de Lyon), Government Saint-Bruno des Chartreux (17th 18th century) church masterpiece of Baroque architecture Paris located northern central France north-bending arc of river Seine whose crest includes two islands Île Saint-Louis larger Île de la Cité which form oldest part of city river's mouth English Channel (La Manche) about 233 mi (375 km) downstream from city city spread widely both banks of river Overall city relatively flat lowest point 35 m (115 ft) above sea level Paris has several prominent hills highest of which Montmartre 130 m (427 ft)Excluding outlying parks of Bois de Boulogne Bois de Vincennes Paris covers oval measuring about 87 km2 (34 sq mi) area enclosed 35 km (22 mi) ring road Boulevard Périphériquecity's last major annexation of outlying territories 1860 not only gave its modern form but also created 20 clockwise-spiralling arrondissements (municipal boroughs) From 1860 area of 78 km2 (30 sq mi) city limits were expanded marginally 86.9 km2 (33.6 sq mi) 1920s 1929 Bois de Boulogne Bois de Vincennes forest parks were officially annexed city bringing its area about 105 km2 (41 sq mi)metropolitan area of city 2,300 km2 (890 sq mi)Measured from 'point zero' front of its Notre-Dame cathedral Paris road 450 kilometres (280 mi) southeast of London 287 kilometres (178 mi) south of Calais 305 kilometres (190 mi) southwest of Brussels 774 kilometres (481 mi) north of Marseille 385 kilometres (239 mi) northeast of Nantes 135 kilometres (84 mi) southeast of RouenClimate; See also Urban area (France) Urban unit The Gare du Nord railway station busiest EuropeParis major rail highway air transport hub Île-de-France Mobilités formerly Syndicat des transports d'Île-de-France (STIF) before that theSyndicat des transports parisiens (STP) oversees transit network regionsyndicate coordinates public transport contracts out RATP (operating 347 bus lines Métro eight tramway lines sections of RER) SNCF (operating suburban rails one tramway line other sections of RER) Optile consortium of private operators managing 1,176 bus linesRailways. The Opéra de Marseille Ambox current red.svg; The lands making up French Republic shown same geographic scalePolitics, See also List of French monarchs France Middle Ages, Main article Sport France Hindu (4,000) According 2012 INSEE figures 68 percent of employees City of Paris work commerce transportation services 24.4 percent public administration health social services 4.4 percent industry 0.1 percent agricultureThe majority of Paris's salaried employees fill 370,000 businesses services jobs concentrated north-western 8th 16th 17th arrondissements Paris's financial service companies concentrated central-western 8th 9th arrondissement banking insurance district Paris's department store district 1st 6th 8th 9th arrondissements employ ten percent of mostly female Paris workers with 100,000 of these registered retail trade Fourteen percent of Parisians work hotels restaurants other services individuals Nineteen percent of Paris employees work State either administration or education majority of Paris's healthcare social workers work hospitals social housing concentrated peripheral 13th 14th 18th 19th 20th arrondissements Outside Paris western Hauts-de-Seine department La Défense district specialising finance insurance scientific research district employs 144,600, north-eastern Seine-Saint-Denis audiovisual sector has 200 media firms 10 major film studiosParis's manufacturing mostly focused its suburbs city itself has only around 75,000 manufacturing workers most of which textile clothing leather goods shoe trades Paris region manufacturing specialises transportation mainly automobiles aircraft trains but this sharp decline Paris proper manufacturing jobs dropped 64 percent between 1990 2010 Paris region lost 48 percent during same period Most of this due companies relocating outside Paris region Paris region's 800 aerospace companies employed 100,000 Four hundred automobile industry companies employ another 100,000 workers many of these centred Yvelines department around Renault PSA-Citroen plants (this department alone employs 33,000), but industry whole suffered major loss with 2014 closing of major Aulnay-sous-Bois Citroen assembly plantThe southern Essonne department specialises science technology, south-eastern Val-de-Marne with its wholesale Rungis food market specialises food processing beveragesParis region's manufacturing decline quickly being replaced eco-industries these employ about 100,000 workers2011 while only 56,927 construction workers worked Paris itself, its metropolitan area employed 246,639, activity centred largely around Seine-Saint-Denis (41,378) Hauts-de-Seine (37,303) departments new business-park centres appearing thereUnemployment. Main article Law of France, The average net household income (after social pension health insurance contributions) Paris was €36,085 2011ranged from €22,095 19th arrondissement €82,449 7th arrondissementmedian taxable income 2011 was around €25,000 Paris €22,200 Île-de-France Generally speaking incomes higher Western part of city western suburbs than northern eastern parts of urban area Unemployment was estimated 8.2 percent city of Paris 8.8 percent Île-de-France region first trimester of 2015 ranged from 7.6 percent wealthy Essonne department 13.1 percent Seine-Saint-Denis department where many recent immigrants liveWhile Paris has some of richest neighbourhoods France also has some of poorest mostly eastern side of city 2012 14 percent of households city earned less than €977 per month official poverty line Twenty-five percent of residents 19th arrondissement lived below poverty line 24 percent 18th 22 percent 20th 18 percent 10th city's wealthiest neighbourhood 7th arrondissement 7 percent lived below poverty line 8 percent 6th arrondissement 9 percent 16th arrondissementTourism, Later came precursors of modern classical music Érik Satie was key member of early-20th-century Parisian avant-garde best known his Gymnopédies Francis Poulenc's best known works his piano suite Trois mouvements perpétuels (1919) ballet Les biches (1923) Concert champêtre (1928) harpsichord orchestra opera Dialogues des Carmélites (1957) Gloria (1959) soprano choir orchestra Maurice Ravel Claude Debussy most prominent figures associated with Impressionist music Debussy was among most influential composers of late 19th early 20th centuries his use of non-traditional scales chromaticism influenced many composers who followed Debussy's music noted its sensory content frequent usage of atonality two composers invented new musical forms new sounds Ravel's piano compositions such Jeux d'eau Miroirs Le tombeau de Couperin Gaspard de la nuit demand considerable virtuosity His mastery of orchestration evident Rapsodie espagnole Daphnis et Chloé his arrangement of Modest Mussorgsky's Pictures Exhibition his orchestral work Boléro (1928) More recently middle of 20th century Maurice Ohana Pierre Schaeffer Pierre Boulez contributed evolutions of contemporary classical musichead shot of Serge Gainsbourg. Ambox current red.svg In summer of 1789 Paris became centre stage of French Revolution 14 July mob seized arsenal Invalides acquiring thousands of guns stormed Bastille symbol of royal authority first independent Paris Commune or city council met Hôtel de Ville and 15 July elected Mayor astronomer Jean Sylvain BaillyThe Paris Opera was centrepiece of Napoleon III's new Paris architect Charles Garnier described style simply Napoleon ThirdLouis XVI royal family were brought Paris made prisoners within Tuileries Palace 1793 revolution turned more more radical king queen mayor were guillotined along with more than 16,000 others (throughout France) during Reign of Terrorproperty of aristocracy church was nationalised city's churches were closed sold or demolishedsuccession of revolutionary factions ruled Paris until 9 November 1799 (coup d'état du 18 brumaire) when Napoléon Bonaparte seized power First ConsulThe Jardin du Luxembourg Panthéon background. Buddhist (3,000)Culture The Opéra de Marseille; Main articles Music Paris History of music Paris Emmanuel Macron (cropped).jpg Édouard Philippe (cropped).jpg.
The population of city of Lyon proper was 491,268 January 2011 census, 14% of whom were born outside Metropolitan FranceMain sights, Lyon third-largest city second-largest urban area of France located country's east-central part confluence of rivers Rhône Saône, about 470 km (292 mi) south from Paris 320 km (199 mi) north from Marseille 56 km (35 mi) northeast from Saint-Étienne Inhabitants of city called LyonnaisLyon had population of 513,275 2015capital of Metropolis of Lyon region of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Lyon metropolitan area had population of 2,265,375 2014 second-largest urban area Francecity known its cuisine gastronomy historical architectural landmarks part of registered UNESCO World Heritage site Lyon was historically important area production weaving of silk Lyon played significant role history of cinema where Auguste Louis Lumière invented cinematograph also known its light festival Fête des Lumières which begins every 8 December lasts four days earning Lyon title of Capital of LightsEconomically Lyon major centre banking well chemical pharmaceutical biotech industries city contains significant software industry with particular focus video games recent years has fostered growing local start-up sector Lyon hosts international headquarters of Interpol International Agency Research Cancer Euronews was ranked 19th globally second France innovation 2014ranked second France 39th globally Mercer's 2015 liveability rankingsHistory; Animated gif showing expansion of Franks across Europe, Institut supérieur européen de gestion group. Marseille has been setting many films mostly produced France or Hollywood Taxi 4 was filmed Marseille (2007); Pierre Mignard Self-portrait between 1670 1690 oil canvas 235 cm × 188 cm (93 × 74 in) Louvre, The security of Paris mainly responsibility of Prefecture of Police of Paris subdivision of Ministry of Interior of France supervises units of National Police who patrol city three neighbouring departments also responsible providing emergency services including Paris Fire Brigade Its headquarters Place Louis Lépine Île de la CitéThere 30,200 officers under prefecture fleet of more than 6,000 vehicles including police cars motorcycles fire trucks boats helicopters addition traditional police duties local police monitors number of discount sales held large stores (no more than two year allowed) verify that during summer holidays least one bakery open every neighbourhoodnational police has its own special unit riot control crowd control security of public buildings called Compagnies Républicaines de Sécurité (CRS) unit formed 1944 right after liberation of France Vans of CRS agents frequently seen centre of city when there demonstrations public eventsThe police supported National Gendarmerie branch of French Armed Forces though their police operations now supervised Ministry of Interior traditional kepis of gendarmes were replaced 2002 with caps force modernised though they still wear kepis ceremonial occasionsCrime Paris similar that most large cities Violent crime relatively rare city centre Political violence uncommon though very large demonstrations may occur Paris other French cities simultaneously These demonstrations usually managed strong police presence can turn confrontational escalate into violenceCityscape.
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