There several popular festivals different neighborhoods with concerts animations outdoor bars like Fête du Panier June 21 June there dozens of free concerts city part of France's Fête de la Musique featuring music from all over world Being free events many Marseille residents attendMarseille hosts Gay Pride event early July 2013 Marseille hosted Europride international LGBT event 10 July–20 beginning of July there International Documentary Festival end of September electronic music festival Marsatac takes place October Fiesta des Suds offers many concerts of world musicHip hop music, Catholic University of Lyon, City Hall Place des Terreaux built architects Jules Hardouin-Mansart Robert de Cotte. The west of France has strictly oceanic climate (Cfb) – extends from Flanders Basque Country coastal strip several tens of kilometres wide narrower north south but wider Brittany which almost entirely this climate zoneThe climate of Southwest also oceanic but warmerThe climate of Northwest oceanic but cooler windierAway from coast climate oceanic throughout but its characteristics change somewhat Paris sedimentary basin and more so basins protected mountain chains show stronger seasonal temperature variability less rainfall during autumn winter Therefore most of territory has semi-oceanic climate forms transition zone between strictly oceanic climate near coasts other climate zonesThe semi-continental climate (Dfa) of north centre-east (Alsace plains of Saône middle part of Rhône Dauphiné Auvergne Savoy)The Mediterranean lower Rhône valley experience Mediterranean climate (Csa Csb) due effect of mountain chains isolating them from rest of country resulting Mistral Tramontane windsThe mountain (or alpine) climates (Dfc ET) confined Alps Pyrenees summits of Massif Central Jura VosgesIn overseas regions there three broad types of climate. In 20th century Paris literary community was dominated figures such Colette André Gide François Mauriac André Malraux Albert Camus and after World War II Simone de Beauvoir Jean-Paul Sartre Between wars was home of many important expatriate writers including Ernest Hemingway Samuel Beckett and 1970s Milan Kundera winner of 2014 Nobel Prize Literature Patrick Modiano (who lives Paris) based most of his literary work depiction of city during World War II 1960s–1970sParis city of books bookstores 1970s 80 percent of French-language publishing houses were found Paris almost all Left Bank 5th 6th 7th arrondissements Since that time because of high prices some publishers have moved out less expensive areas also city of small bookstores There about 150 bookstores 5th arrondissement alone plus another 250 book stalls along Seine Small Paris bookstores protected against competition from discount booksellers French law books even e-books cannot be discounted more than five percent below their publisher's cover priceMusic, Provence- National Gendarmerie Combined Arms School, Musée des Confluences new museum of sciences anthropology which opened its doors 20 December 2014La Sucrière contemporary art centre. Sainte-Geneviève Library 4th arrondissement Plateau de la Croix-Rousse Serin A map of Greater Paris Metropolis (Métropole du Grand Paris) its 131 communes. Catholic University of Lyon Protestant (20,000) Political majority each sector since 2014 The Roman Catholic Basilique du Sacré-Cœur; France has long varied musical history experienced golden age 17th century thanks Louis XIV who employed number of talented musicians composers royal court most renowned composers of this period include Marc-Antoine Charpentier François Couperin Michel-Richard Delalande Jean-Baptiste Lully Marin Marais all of them composers court After death of Roi Soleil French musical creation lost dynamism but next century music of Jean-Philippe Rameau reached some prestige today he still one of most renowned French composers Rameau became dominant composer of French opera leading French composer harpsichord.[full citation needed], Population density French Republic 1999 censusWith estimated total population of 67.15 million people of October 2017, with 65 million metropolitan France France 20th most populous country world third-most populous Europe France also second most populous country European Union after GermanyFrance outlier among developed countries general European countries particular having fairly high rate of natural population growth birth rates alone France was responsible almost all natural population growth European Union 2006 with natural growth rate (excess of births over deaths) rising 300,000 with immigration population grew with almost 400,000 people, although late 2010s fell 200,000 This was highest rate since end of baby boom 1973 coincides with rise of total fertility rate from nadir of 1.7 1994 2.0 2010 of January 2017 fertility rate was 1.93From 2006 2011 population growth was average +0.6% per year Immigrants also major contributors this trend 2010 27% of newborns metropolitan France had least one foreign-born parent 24% had least one parent born outside of Europe (parents born overseas territories considered born France)Ethnic groups, Hollywood-style Marseille sign Champagne widely regarded luxury good originates from Champagne region Northeast FranceFrance has historically been large producer of agricultural products Extensive tracts of fertile land application of modern technology EU subsidies have combined make France leading agricultural producer exporter Europe (representing 20% of EU's agricultural production) world's third biggest exporter of agricultural productsWheat poultry dairy beef pork well internationally recognised processed foods primary French agricultural exports Rosé wines primarily consumed within country but Champagne Bordeaux wines major exports being known worldwide EU agriculture subsidies France have decreased recent years but still amounted $8 billion 2007 That same year France sold 33.4 billion euros of transformed agricultural products France produces rum via sugar cane-based distilleries almost all of which located overseas territories such Martinique Guadeloupe La Réunion Agriculture important sector of France's economy 3.8% of active population employed agriculture whereas total agri-food industry made up 4.2% of French GDP 2005Tourism.
Main article Parks Lyon [icon] Government, Rue de Rivoli The most commonly used tarot deck takes its name from city has been called Tarot de Marseille since 1930s—a name coined commercial use French cardmaker cartomancer Paul Marteau owner of B–P Grimaud Previously this deck was called Tarot italien (Italian Tarot) even earlier was simply called Tarot Before being de Marseille was used play local variant of tarocchi before became used cartomancy end of 18th century following trend set Antoine Court de Gébelin name Tarot de Marseille (Marteau used name ancien Tarot de Marseille) was used contrast other types of Tarots such Tarot de Besançon those names were simply associated with cities where there were many cardmakers 18th century (previously several cities France were involved cardmaking)Another local tradition making of santons small hand-crafted figurines traditional Provençal Christmas creche Since 1803 starting last Sunday of November there has been Santon Fair Marseille currently held Cours d'Estienne d'Orves large square off Vieux-PortOpera. There several popular festivals different neighborhoods with concerts animations outdoor bars like Fête du Panier June 21 June there dozens of free concerts city part of France's Fête de la Musique featuring music from all over world Being free events many Marseille residents attendMarseille hosts Gay Pride event early July 2013 Marseille hosted Europride international LGBT event 10 July–20 beginning of July there International Documentary Festival end of September electronic music festival Marsatac takes place October Fiesta des Suds offers many concerts of world musicHip hop music. The population of Paris had dropped 100,000 during Revolution but between 1799 1815 surged with 160,000 new residents reaching 660,000 Napoleon Bonaparte replaced elected government of Paris with prefect reporting only him He began erecting monuments military glory including Arc de Triomphe improved neglected infrastructure of city with new fountains Canal de l'Ourcq Père Lachaise Cemetery city's first metal bridge Pont des ArtsRichelieu reading room National Library of France.
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