Main articles Demographics of France French people, Main article Foreign relations of France, A view of Seine Île de la Cité Bateau Mouche. Other religion (2.5%), Le Figaro was founded 1826 many of France's most prominent authors have written its columns over decades still considered newspaper of recordBest-selling daily national newspapers France Le Parisien Aujourd'hui en France (with 460,000 sold daily) Le Monde Le Figaro with around 300,000 copies sold daily but also L'Équipe dedicated sports coverage past years free dailies made breakthrough with Metro 20 Minutes Direct Plus distributed more than 650,000 copies respectively However widest circulations reached regional daily Ouest France with more than 750,000 copies sold 50 other regional papers have also high salessector of weekly magazines stronger diversified with more than 400 specialised weekly magazines published countryThe most influential news magazines left-wing Le Nouvel Observateur centrist L'Express right-wing Le Point (more than 400.000 copies), but highest circulation weeklies reached TV magazines women's magazines among them Marie Claire ELLE which have foreign versions Influential weeklies also include investigative satirical papers Le Canard Enchaîné Charlie Hebdo well Paris Match Like most industrialised nations print media have been affected severe crisis past decade 2008 government launched major initiative help sector reform become financially independent, but 2009 had give 600,000 euros help print media cope with economic crisis addition existing subsidiesIn 1974 after years of centralised monopoly radio television governmental agency ORTF was split into several national institutions but three already-existing TV channels four national radio stations remained under state-control was only 1981 that government allowed free broadcasting territory ending state monopoly radio French television was partly liberalised next two decade with creation of several commercial channels mainly thanks cable satellite television 2005 national service Télévision Numérique Terrestre introduced digital television all over territory allowing creation of other channelsThe four existing national channels now owned state-owned consortium France Télévisions while public broadcasting group Radio France run five national radio stations Among these public media Radio France Internationale which broadcasts programmes French all over world Franco-German TV channel TV5 Monde 2006 government created global news channel France 24 Long-established TV channels TF1 (privatised 1987) France 2 France 3 have highest shares while radio stations RTL Europe 1 state-owned France Inter least listened toSociety, E-Artsup Most French people of Celtic (Gauls) origin with admixture of Italic (Romans) Germanic (Franks) groups Different regions reflect this diverse heritage with notable Breton elements western France Aquitanian southwest Scandinavian northwest Alemannic northeast Ligurian influence southeast Large-scale immigration over last century half has led more multicultural society 2004 Institut Montaigne estimated that within Metropolitan France 51 million people were White (85% of population) 6 million were Northwest African (10%) 2 million were Black (3.3%) 1 million were Asian (1.7%)A law originating from 1789 revolution reaffirmed 1958 French Constitution makes illegal French state collect data ethnicity ancestry 2008 TeO (Trajectories origins) poll conducted jointly INED French National Institute of Statistics estimated that 5 million people were of Italian ancestry (the largest immigrant community) followed 3 million 6 million people of Northwest African ancestry 2.5 million people of Sub-Saharan African origin 200,000 people of Turkish ancestry There over 500,000 ethnic Armenians France There also sizeable minorities of other European ethnic groups namely Spanish Portuguese Polish GreekFrance has significant Gypsy (Gitan) population numbering between 20,000 400,000 Many foreign Romani people expelled back Bulgaria Romania frequentlyIt currently estimated that 40% of French population descended least partially from different waves of immigration country has received since early 20th century between 1921 1935 alone about 1.1 million net immigrants came Francenext largest wave came 1960s when around 1.6 million pieds noirs returned France following independence of its Northwest African possessions Algeria Morocco They were joined numerous former colonial subjects from North West Africa well numerous European immigrants from Spain PortugalFrance remains major destination immigrants accepting about 200,000 legal immigrants annually also Western Europe's leading recipient of asylum seekers with estimated 50,000 applications 2005 (a 15% decrease from 2004)European Union allows free movement between member states although France established controls curb Eastern European migration immigration remains contentious political issueIn 2008 INSEE estimated that total number of foreign-born immigrants was around 5 million (8% of population) while their French-born descendants numbered 6.5 million or 11% of population Thus nearly fifth of country's population were either first or second-generation immigrants of which more than 5 million were of European origin 4 million of Maghrebi ancestry2008 France granted citizenship 137,000 persons mostly people from Morocco Algeria TurkeyIn 2014 National Institute of Statistics (INSEE its acronym French) published study which reported doubling of number of Spanish immigrants Portuguese Italians France between 2009 2012 According French Institute this increase resulting from financial crisis that hit several European countries that period has pushed up number of Europeans installed France Statistics Spanish immigrants France show growth of 107 percent between 2009 2012 i.e this period went from 5300 11,000 people Of total of 229,000 foreigners who were France 2012 nearly 8% were Portuguese 5% British 5% Spanish 4% Italians 4% Germans 3% Romanians 3% BelgiansMajor cities. See also Marseille-Provence 2013 Web@cademie Main article Lyonnaise cuisine CEESO (Centre Européen d'Enseignement Supérieur de l'Ostéopathie) secondary or non-official language; 1st arrondissement Slopes of La Croix-Rousse Terreaux Martinière/St-Vincent Marine (blue) regional (green) national (red) parks France Location borders Sainte Marie de La Tourette monastery (1960) designed Le Corbusier. See Wiktionary name of Paris various languages other than English FrenchThe name Paris derived from its early inhabitants Celtic Parisii tribecity's name not related Paris of Greek mythologyParis often referred City of Light (La Ville Lumière), both because of its leading role during Age of Enlightenment more literally because Paris was one of first European cities adopt gas street lighting.[citation needed] 1860s boulevards streets of Paris were illuminated 56,000 gas lamps Since late 19th century Paris has also been known Panam(e) (pronounced [panam]) French slangInhabitants known English Parisians French Parisiens ([paʁizjɛ̃] (About this sound listen)) They also pejoratively called Parigots ([paʁiɡo] (About this sound listen)).[note 1]. Alpes- Nuclear power plant Cattenom France four large cooling towers expelling white water vapor against blue sky, Agence France-Presse Headquarters Paris 5th arrondissement Vieux Lyon (Saint-Paul Saint-Jean Saint-Georges) Saint-Just Saint-Irénée, Fourvière Point du Jour Ménival Battières Champvert (south); Main articles Arrondissements of Marseille Cantons of Marseille, Musée des Automates museum of automated puppets Vieux Lyon open since 1991Parks gardens, FranceGrand Est Chanel's headquarters storefront window Place Vendôme Paris with awning.
Sculpture dedicated Rome square Paul Painlevé Paris, Ombrosa Main articles History of France § Napoleonic France (1799–1815) History of France § Long 19th century 1815–1914 First French Empire Second French Empire French colonial empire, The population of Paris had dropped 100,000 during Revolution but between 1799 1815 surged with 160,000 new residents reaching 660,000 Napoleon Bonaparte replaced elected government of Paris with prefect reporting only him He began erecting monuments military glory including Arc de Triomphe improved neglected infrastructure of city with new fountains Canal de l'Ourcq Père Lachaise Cemetery city's first metal bridge Pont des ArtsRichelieu reading room National Library of France. Lyon has long chronicled culinary arts tradition noted food critic Curnonsky referred city the gastronomic capital of world, claim repeated later writers such Bill Buford Renowned 3-star Michelin chefs such Marie Bourgeois Eugénie Brazier developed Lyonnaise cuisine into national phenomenon favoured French elite tradition which Paul Bocuse later turned into worldwide successThe bouchon traditional Lyonnais restaurant that serves local fare such sausages duck pâté or roast pork along with local wines Two of France's best known wine-growing regions located near city Beaujolais region north Côtes du Rhône region south Another Lyon tradition type of brunch food called mâchons made of local charcuterie usually accompanied Beaujolais red wine Mâchons were customary meal of canuts city's silk workers who ate late-morning meal after they finished their shifts factoriesOther traditional local dishes include coq au vin quenelle gras double salade lyonnaise (lettuce with bacon croûtons poached egg) sausage-based rosette lyonnaise andouillette Popular local confections include marron glacé coussin de Lyon Cervelle de canut (literally silk worker's brains) cheese spread/dip made of base of fromage blanc seasoned with chopped herbs shallots salt pepper olive oil vinegarSport.
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