The Romans conquered Paris Basin 52 BC began their settlement Paris's Left BankRoman town was originally called Lutetia (more fully Lutetia Parisiorum Lutetia of Parisii) became prosperous city with forum baths temples theatres amphitheatreBy end of Western Roman Empire town was known Parisius Latin name that would later become Paris French Christianity was introduced middle of 3rd century AD Saint Denis first Bishop of Paris according legend when he refused renounce his faith before Roman occupiers he was beheaded hill which became known Mons Martyrum (Latin Hill of Martyrs) later Montmartre from where he walked headless north of city place where he fell was buried became important religious shrine Basilica of Saint-Denis many French kings buried thereClovis Frank first king of Merovingian dynasty made city his capital from 508 Frankish domination of Gaul began there was gradual immigration Franks Paris Parisian Francien dialects were born Fortification of Île-de-la-Citie failed avert sacking Vikings 845 but Paris's strategic importance—with its bridges preventing ships from passing—was established successful defence Siege of Paris (885–86) 987 Hugh Capet Count of Paris (comte de Paris) Duke of Franks (duc des Francs) was elected King of Franks (roi des Francs) Under rule of Capetian kings Paris gradually became largest most prosperous city FranceMiddle Ages Louis XIV, Main articles French Renaissance (c 1400–c 1650) Early modern France (1500–1789) French Wars of Religion (1562–1598) Ancien Régime (c 1400–1792). Includes Section Japonaises (リヨン・ジェルラン補習授業校 Riyon Jeruran Hoshū Jugyō Kō Lyon Gerland Japanese Supplementary School) which Japanese Ministry of Education (MEXT) counts part-time Japanese supplementary school. ISARA (Institut Supérieur d'Agriculture Rhône Alpes) See also France 19th century France 20th century Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (located Villeurbanne). OccitanieProvence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Christianity (51.1%), Ambox rewrite.svg Musée des beaux-arts de Lyon (Fine Arts Museum) main museum of city one of largest art galleries France Housed Palais Saint Pierre former 17th-century convent displays major collection of paintings artists (including Tintoretto Paolo Veronese Nicolas Poussin Rubens Rembrandt Zurbaran Canaletto Delacroix Monet Gauguin Van Gogh Cézanne Matisse Picasso Francis Bacon...) collections of sculptures drawings printings decorative arts Roman Greek antiquities second largest collection of Egyptian antiquities France after that of Louvre medal cabinet of 50.000 medals coinsThe Gallo-Roman Museum displaying many valuable objects artworks found site of Roman Lyon (Lugdunum) such Circus Games Mosaic Coligny calendar Taurobolic Altar, Main article Religion France Main article Administration of Paris! See also List of films set Paris Later came precursors of modern classical music Érik Satie was key member of early-20th-century Parisian avant-garde best known his Gymnopédies Francis Poulenc's best known works his piano suite Trois mouvements perpétuels (1919) ballet Les biches (1923) Concert champêtre (1928) harpsichord orchestra opera Dialogues des Carmélites (1957) Gloria (1959) soprano choir orchestra Maurice Ravel Claude Debussy most prominent figures associated with Impressionist music Debussy was among most influential composers of late 19th early 20th centuries his use of non-traditional scales chromaticism influenced many composers who followed Debussy's music noted its sensory content frequent usage of atonality two composers invented new musical forms new sounds Ravel's piano compositions such Jeux d'eau Miroirs Le tombeau de Couperin Gaspard de la nuit demand considerable virtuosity His mastery of orchestration evident Rapsodie espagnole Daphnis et Chloé his arrangement of Modest Mussorgsky's Pictures Exhibition his orchestral work Boléro (1928) More recently middle of 20th century Maurice Ohana Pierre Schaeffer Pierre Boulez contributed evolutions of contemporary classical musichead shot of Serge Gainsbourg. IDRAC (International School of Management) École des Beaux-Arts, Main articles History of France § Napoleonic France (1799–1815) History of France § Long 19th century 1815–1914 First French Empire Second French Empire French colonial empire. France derives most of its electricity from nuclear power highest percentage world Photo of Cattenom Nuclear Power PlantÉlectricité de France (EDF) main electricity generation distribution company France also one of world's largest producers of electricity 2003 produced 22% of European Union's electricity,[citation needed] primarily from nuclear power France smallest emitter of carbon dioxide among G8 due its heavy investment nuclear powerof 2016 72% of electricity produced France generated 58 nuclear power plantsthis context renewable energies having difficulty taking off France also uses hydroelectric dams produce electricity such Eguzon dam Étang de Soulcem Lac de VouglansTransport, Centre d'histoire de la résistance et de la déportation.
See also List of twin towns sister cities of Paris, La Vieille Charité Polytech Lyon located Villeurbanne France one of biggest contributors European Space Agency which conceived Ariane rocket family launched from French GuianaSince Middle Ages France has been major contributor scientific technological achievement Around beginning of 11th century Pope Sylvester II born Gerbert d'Aurillac reintroduced abacus armillary sphere introduced Arabic numerals clocks Northern Western EuropeUniversity of Paris founded mid-12th century still one of most important universities Western world 17th century mathematician René Descartes defined method acquisition of scientific knowledge while Blaise Pascal became famous his work probability fluid mechanics They were both key figures of Scientific revolution which blossomed Europe during this period Academy of Sciences was founded Louis XIV encourage protect spirit of French scientific research was forefront of scientific developments Europe 17th 18th centuries one of earliest academies of sciencesThe Age of Enlightenment was marked work of biologist Buffon chemist Lavoisier who discovered role of oxygen combustion while Diderot D'Alembert published Encyclopédie which aimed give access useful knowledge people knowledge that they can apply their everyday life With Industrial Revolution 19th century saw spectacular scientific developments France with scientists such Augustin Fresnel founder of modern optics Sadi Carnot who laid foundations of thermodynamics Louis Pasteur pioneer of microbiology Other eminent French scientists of 19th century have their names inscribed Eiffel TowerFamous French scientists of 20th century include mathematician physicist Henri Poincaré physicists Henri Becquerel Pierre Marie Curie remained famous their work radioactivity physicist Paul Langevin virologist Luc Montagnier co-discoverer of HIV AIDS Hand transplantation was developed 23 September 1998 Lyon team assembled from different countries around world including Jean-Michel Dubernard who shortly thereafter performed first successful double hand transplant Telesurgery was developed Jacques Marescaux his team 7 September 2001 across Atlantic Ocean (New-York-Strasbourg Lindbergh Operation)face transplant was first done 27 November 2005 Dr Bernard DevauchelleTop view of ring of European Synchrotron Radiation Facility! IFAG (Business Management School) In 2017 Greater Paris had 2,020 hotels including 85 five-star hotels with total of 119,000 rooms Paris has long been famous its grand hotels Hotel Meurice opened British travellers 1817 was one of first luxury hotels Parisarrival of railways Paris Exposition of 1855 brought first flood of tourists first modern grand hotels Hôtel du Louvre (now antiques marketplace) 1855 Grand Hotel (now InterContinental Paris Le Grand Hotel) 1862 Hôtel Continental 1878 Hôtel Ritz Place Vendôme opened 1898 followed Hôtel Crillon 18th-century building Place de la Concorde 1909 Hotel Bristol Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré 1925 Hotel George V 1928In addition hotels 2017 Greater Paris had 84,000 homes registered with Airbnb which received 2.3 million visitors Under French law renters of these units must pay Paris tourism tax company paid city government 7.3 million Euros 2016Culture. In recent years city has also experienced large growth service sector employment switch from light manufacturing cultural high-tech economy.[citation needed] Marseille region home thousands of companies 90% of which small medium enterprises with less than 500 employees.[full citation needed] Among most famous ones CMA CGM container-shipping giant Compagnie maritime d'expertises (Comex) world leader sub-sea engineering hydraulic systems Airbus Helicopters Airbus division Azur Promotel active real estate development company La Provence local daily newspaper RTM Marseille's public transport company Société Nationale Maritime Corse Méditerranée (SNCM) major operator passenger vehicle freight transportation Western Mediterranean urban operation Euroméditerranée has developed large offer of offices thus Marseille hosts one of main business district FranceMarseille home of three main technopoles Château-Gombert (technological innovations) Luminy (biotechnology) La Belle de Mai (17,000 sq.m of offices dedicated multimedia activities)Tourism attractions, Main articles French language Languages of France Organisation internationale de la Francophonie, The official population of city of Paris was 2,206,488 of January 1 2018 according INSEE official French statistical agency This decline of 37,345 (- 1,66 %) from 2014 This drop was attributed partly lower birth rate partly possible loss of housing city due short-term rentals tourismParis fifth largest municipality European Union following London Berlin Madrid Rome Eurostat statistical agency of EU places Paris (6.5 million people) second behind London (8 million) ahead of Berlin (3.5 million) based 2012 populations of what Eurostat calls urban audit core citiesParis Urban Area or unité urbaine statistical area created French statistical agency INSEE measure population of built-up areas around city slightly smaller than Paris Region According INSEE Paris Urban Area had population of 10,550,350 January 2012 census,[not citation given] most populous European Union third most populous Europe behind Istanbul MoscowParis Metropolitan Area second most populous European Union after London with population of 12,341,418 Jan 2012 censusCity proper urban area metropolitan area population from 1800 2010. Franche- 5th arrondissement Vieux Lyon (Saint-Paul Saint-Jean Saint-Georges) Saint-Just Saint-Irénée, Fourvière Point du Jour Ménival Battières Champvert (south), Main article Lutetia Main article Parks Lyon, Paris skyline 2014 Lascaux cave paintings horse from Dordogne facing right brown white background. Musée d'Orsay EPITECH, Main article Geography of Paris, Further information Energy France The average net household income (after social pension health insurance contributions) Paris was €36,085 2011ranged from €22,095 19th arrondissement €82,449 7th arrondissementmedian taxable income 2011 was around €25,000 Paris €22,200 Île-de-France Generally speaking incomes higher Western part of city western suburbs than northern eastern parts of urban area Unemployment was estimated 8.2 percent city of Paris 8.8 percent Île-de-France region first trimester of 2015 ranged from 7.6 percent wealthy Essonne department 13.1 percent Seine-Saint-Denis department where many recent immigrants liveWhile Paris has some of richest neighbourhoods France also has some of poorest mostly eastern side of city 2012 14 percent of households city earned less than €977 per month official poverty line Twenty-five percent of residents 19th arrondissement lived below poverty line 24 percent 18th 22 percent 20th 18 percent 10th city's wealthiest neighbourhood 7th arrondissement 7 percent lived below poverty line 8 percent 6th arrondissement 9 percent 16th arrondissementTourism.
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