Val de LoirePays de la Loire, Saint-Exupéry International Airport (formerly Satolas Airport) designed Guillaume Gilbert; Vélib' Place de la Bastille, Rue de Rivoli According 2012 INSEE figures 68 percent of employees City of Paris work commerce transportation services 24.4 percent public administration health social services 4.4 percent industry 0.1 percent agricultureThe majority of Paris's salaried employees fill 370,000 businesses services jobs concentrated north-western 8th 16th 17th arrondissements Paris's financial service companies concentrated central-western 8th 9th arrondissement banking insurance district Paris's department store district 1st 6th 8th 9th arrondissements employ ten percent of mostly female Paris workers with 100,000 of these registered retail trade Fourteen percent of Parisians work hotels restaurants other services individuals Nineteen percent of Paris employees work State either administration or education majority of Paris's healthcare social workers work hospitals social housing concentrated peripheral 13th 14th 18th 19th 20th arrondissements Outside Paris western Hauts-de-Seine department La Défense district specialising finance insurance scientific research district employs 144,600, north-eastern Seine-Saint-Denis audiovisual sector has 200 media firms 10 major film studiosParis's manufacturing mostly focused its suburbs city itself has only around 75,000 manufacturing workers most of which textile clothing leather goods shoe trades Paris region manufacturing specialises transportation mainly automobiles aircraft trains but this sharp decline Paris proper manufacturing jobs dropped 64 percent between 1990 2010 Paris region lost 48 percent during same period Most of this due companies relocating outside Paris region Paris region's 800 aerospace companies employed 100,000 Four hundred automobile industry companies employ another 100,000 workers many of these centred Yvelines department around Renault PSA-Citroen plants (this department alone employs 33,000), but industry whole suffered major loss with 2014 closing of major Aulnay-sous-Bois Citroen assembly plantThe southern Essonne department specialises science technology, south-eastern Val-de-Marne with its wholesale Rungis food market specialises food processing beveragesParis region's manufacturing decline quickly being replaced eco-industries these employ about 100,000 workers2011 while only 56,927 construction workers worked Paris itself, its metropolitan area employed 246,639, activity centred largely around Seine-Saint-Denis (41,378) Hauts-de-Seine (37,303) departments new business-park centres appearing thereUnemployment.
From left right La Joliette neighbourhood (old docks) ferry ship docks new port Euroméditerranée business district (CMA CGM Tower) surrounding areas, Tourists from around world make Louvre most-visited art museum worldGreater Paris comprising Paris its three surrounding departments received 23.6 million visitors 2017 measured hotel arrivals These included 12 million foreign visitors 11.5 million French visitors Of foreign visitors greatest number came from United States (2 million) Great Britain (1.1 million) Germany (802.6 thousand) China (774.4 thousand)In 2016 measured MasterCard Global Cities Destination Index Paris was third-busiest airline destination world with 18.03 million visitors behind Bangkok (21.47 million) London (19.88 million) According Paris Convention Visitors Bureau 393,008 workers Greater Paris or 12.4% of total workforce engaged tourism-related sectors such hotels catering transport leisureMonuments attractions, Centre d'histoire de la résistance et de la déportation. Main articles History of France § Revolutionary France (1789–1799) French Revolution, Since late 18th century Paris has been famous its restaurants haute cuisine food meticulously prepared artfully presented luxury restaurant La Taverne Anglaise opened 1786 arcades of Palais-Royal Antoine Beauvilliers featured elegant dining room extensive menu linen tablecloths large wine list well-trained waiters became model future Paris restaurants restaurant Le Grand Véfour Palais-Royal dates from same periodfamous Paris restaurants of 19th century including Café de Paris Rocher de Cancale Café Anglais Maison Dorée Café Riche were mostly located near theatres Boulevard des Italiens they were immortalised novels of Balzac Émile Zola Several of best-known restaurants Paris today appeared during Belle Epoque including Maxim's Rue Royale Ledoyen gardens of Champs-Élysées Tour d'Argent Quai de la TournelleToday due Paris's cosmopolitan population every French regional cuisine almost every national cuisine world can be found there city has more than 9,000 restaurantsMichelin Guide has been standard guide French restaurants since 1900 awarding its highest award three stars best restaurants France 2018 of 27 Michelin three-star restaurants France ten located Paris These include both restaurants which serve classical French cuisine such L'Ambroisie Place des Vosges those which serve non-traditional menus such L'Astrance which combines French Asian cuisines Several of France's most famous chefs including Pierre Gagnaire Alain Ducasse Yannick Alléno Alain Passard have three-star restaurants ParisLes Deux Magots café Boulevard Saint-Germain. Immigration Main article Demographics of Paris Mont Blanc highest summit Western Europe marks border with ItalyThe vast majority of France's territory population situated Western Europe called Metropolitan France distinguish from country's various overseas polities bordered North Sea north English Channel northwest Atlantic Ocean west Mediterranean sea southeast land borders consist of Belgium Luxembourg northeast Germany Switzerland east Italy Monaco southeast Andorra Spain south southwest With exception of northeast most of France's land borders roughly delineated natural boundaries geographic features south southeast Pyrenees Alps Jura respectively east Rhine river Due its shape France often referred l'Hexagone (The Hexagon) Metropolitan France includes various coastal islands of which largest Corsica Metropolitan France situated mostly between latitudes 41° 51° N longitudes 6° W 10° E western edge of Europe thus lies within northern temperate zone Its continental part covers about 1000 km from north south from east westFrance has several overseas regions across world which organised along different. Main articles History of France § Napoleonic France (1799–1815) History of France § Long 19th century 1815–1914 First French Empire Second French Empire French colonial empire.
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